Interior Design
Form Follows Function!

Form Follows YOUR Function

We are the firm believer of “Form Follows Function.” It’s only natural for us to design your space primarily following YOUR intended purpose.

We listen to YOU.

To realize your purpose, our biggest concern is your thoughts. Your ideas pave the way for our teams to start, execute, and finalize your project.

  • Your Questions
  • Your Stories
  • Your Business
  • Our Execution

Truly Customer-Centric

We know there is nothing more important than satisfying you and your needs. You’re at the very center of the project, and we will build everything around you.

Interior Design

You know how it feels when you step into a cozy room. If you own a commercial space, you want your customers to feel at home. We will make your space comfortable; not crowded.

In order to make you feel like home, attention to detail is the key we pride ourselves in. Details make your space unique, and by adding personal and professional touches, we create a space that is one of a kind, just for you.

Find the equilibrium.

At Capital Construction of America, we let balance and asymmetry go hand in hand with personalizing your interior. We constantly strive to achieve even distribution of weight through shape, color, pattern, and texture.

Feel the rhythm.

Our designs are like music, repeating with pleasing intervals that bring rhythm to your space. You’ll never be bored! You’ll find easter eggs as your eyes scan across the room.

Feel the harmony.

Consistency, consistency, consistency! When we design your interior, one principal we always put forward is consistency by creating a harmonic atmosphere. We strive for consistency by using matching texture, hues, and tones to make it come alive.

Find the exclamation point.

Feeling bored with the same old song? For spaces that lack focus, we will add accents for you! We can not only rearrange furniture and fixtures for cohesive and convenient spacing, but also emphasize centerpieces to lend a focal point for your space.

Your Questions

“Design is a formal response to a strategic question.” – Mariona Lopez

Your Stories

“Every great design begins with an even better story.” – Lorinda Mamo

Your Business

“Good design is good business.” – Thomas Watson Jr.

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